Thursday, September 29, 2011

Great Support

I think I've mentioned a time or 2 how much I love my husband. He is so wonderful. And he is also such a great support to me. A couple weeks ago I started Weight Watchers (last night I was able to zip up an old pair of jeans!!!) and I've been saying for those couple of weeks how much I needed a scale to weigh my food so I can be accurate in my serving sizes. Well guess what my sweet husband brought home from work this morning? A scale! And if you look closely, you'll see a perfect 90 grams!

I told him not to bring me home any more delicious prizes like: Flaming hot Cheetos, sour straws, star crunches and such, and he hasn't. The prizes have kept coming they're just the non-edible type for the most part. And if they are edible it's usually bananas or diet Dr. Pepper!

Last night we had little Caesar's for dinner. Don't worry I kept it within my point system. I love their Italian cheese bread which is 4 points a stick. I ate 4 and made Jeff take them away from me. A few hours later when I was angry at the Red Sox (don't get me started) and hungry. I told Jeff he either had to go put the cheese sticks away out of my sight or give me the rest. I told him it was up to him. After looking scared (he wanted to give in) he went and put them away. I need someone like that who will help me achieve my goals.

I love him SO much. I love that he loves me the way I am but will support me in helping me be healthier. Plus, he tickles my back when I fall asleep at night. I'm one lucky Wife on the Prairie.

1 comment:

  1. You sure are lucky! P.S. you are the one who got me hooked on flaming hot delicious.
