Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Abby

I have a soft spot for my little niece Abigail. For one thing she is adorable. I mean just look at this picture:Who looks that cute in goggles and a swimming vest? And she is SUPER brave. She was jumping off the diving board all day long, all by herself. I don't think I ever did that until I was an adult.

I have a soft spot for her because she's the middle child. Kelli (her mom) tells me stories about her that instantly bring me back to my own childhood. Case in point: On my recent trip out to Utah Jeff and I bought her a princess Barbie that lets you cut her hair. She had been wanting it for MONTHS. She was at my mom's still, so when I called to tell her we bought it, she asked: "Is it still in the box." I laughed and told her yes. When I told Kelli what she said, she started laughing. I guess Sophia had tried to get into the barbie earlier with some scissors! I remember those feelings of being fiercely protective of your toys and trying to keep them away from other siblings.

I have a soft spot for her because she is feisty and hilarious. One of my favorite examples of this is a couple of Christmas's ago I was visiting them. Abby got in trouble for something and Kelli sent her to time out. Her way of speaking up about the unfairness of it all? She was sitting by Kelli's cute little lighted trees. Abby: "I'll break all theses trees. And the ornaments too." Morgan and I still laugh about it this day. I definitely had those thoughts when I was in trouble back in the day, but she definitely speaks up more than I did! And that same night when she suffered some injustice from her older brother Kody, she planned her revenge. Bob saw her walking up the stairs with something behind her back. He asked her what she was doing......She had a fondue stick that she was going to "poke" Kody with. I could not stop laughing.

I have a soft spot for her because she is an emotional mess sometimes....Just like me. Must be a middle child thing.

And maybe I have a soft spot for her because she looks just like me!

So, my sweet precious little Abby. If you ever feel like nobody cares or understands you, trust me, your Aunt Alicia does, and she is just a phone call away Love you my little twin Abby-Lou!


  1. You have more BANGS than Abigail has hair...LOL! You are the best aunt ever and it gives me hope that the middle child will turn out o.k

  2. That swimming picture is awesome -- love the ruffled suit. (I can picture you in a swimming suit like that as a little girl.) That must be so fun to have a little twin for a niece! Middle children ROCK... :)
