Friday, July 8, 2011

Missing Boston tonight.

I was reminiscing about Boston tonight with my dear bestie Leah. She reminded me of all the good times we had. Here are some of those things I'm missing tonight.

Midnight runs to Sonic
Trips to the NH Wal*Mart to people watch and shop
Trips to Booth Bay Maine
Trips to the Berkshires. Man do I miss those
Trips to New York City for the weekend or just for the day, because we lived that close
Driving 3 hours to Upstate New York to go to Sonic with my 2 Besties
Trips to Vermont for Thanksgiving
Hooking Ellen on Alias in Vermont, and watching it for 3 days straight
Going to DC for the weekend and getting high on Red Bull....
Buying delicious cheese and hanging out with Leah all afternoon
Going to the beach for picnics
Late late night movies
Girl talk after Bunco with my night owl friends
Trips to the 4 corners 7-11 for diet coke with Jen
Taking walks around gorgeous Boston
Taking the T into Boston for the night
Serving in the temple
Attending the temple
Driving through snow storms for late night snacking and talking
Bachelor watching parties
Going to Jen's to watch Real Housewives and talking about how much we hated an ex-boyfriend:)
Ellen's mint brownies
Scary movie nights with Jodi

I miss all those things. But what I miss most is picking up the phone (or texting or emailing), and saying "Hey Ellen/Leah/Jen/Jodi do you want to.....And being able to hop in my car and meet them.
Those almost 4 years I spent were the most special in my life. I know I was guided by my Heavenly Father to move there in the late winter of 2007. To this day it is the best decision I have ever made. And after that decision to move back to Boston the next best decision was to start going to the Arlington Ward and meeting Ellen. She changed my life. .....And I am sure missing that life tonight.


  1. I feel special that I made the list! :) We miss you!!!

  2. Oh friend Boston misses you!!! I miss having friends like you to call up and doing nothing or anything. :(

  3. I didn't make the list.....what about mom, niece and sister coming out to visit.

  4. There will be a post about sisters. No doubt about it!
