Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Guess what you can do with 2 trillion pounds of almonds and a brand new Food Processor?

So my really awesome brother Ryan runs an almond farm in California. They have a gazillion almonds. Look at this picture I took last fall when I went to visit his family:

So when I need almonds, I know who to call! I asked Ryan awhile back to send me some almonds to give to my mother-in-law. Well when I opened the mail this is what I found:Plus a whole bunch more! I've had this in my freezer for awhile so they wouldn't go bad. And tonight it hit me! ALMOND BUTTER! I love almond butter and I thought that with my fancy shmancy new food processor, I would try to make some!

It took twice as long as the recipe called for, but it turned out AMAZING. And seeing as how I joined Weight Watchers tonight, it can help me have a delicious snack that's good for you!

The plate is a tribute to my OU obsessed husband:) And when I say obsessed I mean it. My ears are STILL ringing from last Saturday He has an unnaturally loud clap when he watches football!


  1. what fun! where is your brother's farm? my uncles own a nut farm/ processing plant in Cali too! love almond butter. send me some! ha ha!

  2. Good idea on the almond butter...I'm going to steal it:) Can you imagine Joel and Jeff in the same room with a OU vs BYU rematch. We would probably lose our hearing. Sometimes when I'm watching sports with JOel and he yells I physically shutter and my whole body painful. but entertaining.

  3. Yummy! And very jealous of the almond supply. Good luck with Weight Watchers, you'll have to post some delicious WW recipes.
