Monday, November 7, 2011

Scared and Shaken (Literally)!

Jeff left for work on Saturday night as usual, so I got my blanket and settled in on the couch for some TV time, when all of a sudden I see a black MOUSE running from the kitchen. I of course screamed BLOODY murder and it ran right back into the kitchen. I jumped up from the couch, left the TV and all lights on, grabbed my blanket and ran into my bedroom. Once I got into my bedroom I immediately barricaded myself inside. OBVIOUSLY.

The next dilemma was what I should do. So of course, I text Jeff, FREAKING OUT!

Cinderella's little mouse helpers? I couldn't stop laughing. That is why I love my husband. He can calm me down better then anyone I know.

So next thing you know I am cleaning my room because I'm stuck inside it and my charger was outside and my battery was low so watching Netflix on my phone is out of the question.

What do you think happened next?

That's right an EARTHQUAKE! The biggest one in Oklahoma history! I was standing by my bed throwing away trash and felt the ground beneath me shake and tremble. Then my bed starting shaking. It was a surreal experience. Thankfully There were no serious injuries reported.

So I just had to wait until 1:00 a.m. for Jeff to bring home mouse traps and more importantly some dinner!

He is the best. And I'm glad he isn't scared of mice!

Here's a video of him cleaning behind the stove the next day.

I was amazed at the trash the previous tenants had left. We didn't find any droppings around the stove or the fridge or any cupboards. I'm blaming it on our neighbors. I think the mouse visits our house and then leaves again. But next time he comes we'll be prepared with 20 traps.

That was my adventurous weekend. Phew!

Now if we can only catch that little mouse I can again step in my kitchen without dread:)


  1. I really really dislike mice. It's not your fault, I'm sure it is from the neighbors. :)

  2. Oh My.....that is the cutest, funniest blog post I have ever read! I'm still laughing. You seriously have the best husband ever and you crack me up.

  3. I am in tears laughing! I know you posted this a long time ago, but you are cracking me up. I love the texts back and forth. You are adorable Alicia.
