Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Date Night

Jeff and I took a break on Friday from trying to organize our new home after the big move, and went on a date!
Just me and him.
Have I mentioned I'm slightly obsessed with my husband.
I feel like lately I haven't gotten to be with just him having fun.
So we went to the "Hunger Games." We have both read the books and both wanted to see the movie.
And because I am my mother's daughter we arrived about an hour early to get in line. It's a habit I am super grateful for. And since we got there early, we got to have our favorite seats in the house!
Apparently my legs haven't seen the sun in 200 years. I love the seats right in front of the railing. Plenty of room to stretch out.
The movie was great! The bag of popcorn and Diet Coke was just what the Dr. ordered after a long day at Med Clinic where a "person" told me I was large for having 4 months left before I gave birth. True story.
And Jeff didn't even tease me as I was sobbing during Rue's death. He's a smart guy.
I love nights like this when I get to spend it with my best friend. Just the 2 of us. I'm slightly obsessed:)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to do that! Luke and I went on pretty much the same date the other night and it made me think of this. :) Alone time together is the best!
