Monday, August 8, 2011

Wish List

As I was making dinner yesterday and cursing my flimsy tongs, I told Jeff I was going to make a wish list and hang it on the fridge. This Wish List will include (but not limited to) mostly kitchen items. Some of the things I told him just yesterday were:

A glass measuring cup. Every time it seems I need it, it's in the dishwasher!

Wooden Spoons. Somehow I've managed to break all but 1 of mine. Again, every time I need it.....

Better Tongs: Mine are REALLY flimsy. Trying to grip anything with my tongs is difficult!

Well, when I woke up this morning, guess what was in a bag by my bed?????

My Mr. Fix it is seriously the sweetest husband ever. He takes such good care of me and is always trying to make me happy. Although, with my new kitchen tools (A brand new knife was even included that I didn't even ask for!) I will be able to make him delicious food! So he benefits as well!

Here's what the rest of my wish list looks like:

A food processor. I've been telling Jeff I need one for about 240 days now:)

A hand mixer. I LOVE my kitchen Aid, but sometimes a girl just needs a quick mix!

A big dutch oven I can use on my stove. Think of the stews I could make! And the Roasts!

A baby

A roasting pan

A Wok

A garlic press

A BIG glass or metal mixing bowl. My future bread products would appreciate this.

Jeff is set on birthday and Christmas gifts for awhile......:)


  1. bump the baby to the top of the list. :)

  2. The baby could be a non-holiday/special event day present;-)

  3. Love it! Santa Baby.... You forgot the yaht!

  4. Love that you threw "baby" into the middle of your list, haha. That is the sweetest thing! You have a good husband- he obviously knows the meaning of good kitchen supplies! :)

  5. Ha ha! I have a similar list minus the baby! :) Good for Jeff for paying attention to the list. A happy wife makes for a pleasant home. :)

  6. According to the wise Teresa, "Happy Wife, Happy Life." I thought if I snuck the baby on the list Jeff would just keep checking off the items without noticing:)

  7. You crack me up! I love it! Makes me hungry for you to make me something yummy. I've never run out of vanilla and I'm going on 14 years married what does that say about me. Love you

  8. That is too cute that he bought you the kitchen tools you wanted! What a guy.

    The baby is a nice addition to the list. That will be an exciting gift!!

  9. I will buy you everything on your list (except the baby of course). Because I figure if everything on the list is checked off, Jeff has only one thing left to complete your wish list. I can't wait to have a Hale niece or nephew!!

  10. I love that he got you some of your wish list so cute to you! Although I have seen how you spoil your nieces and nephews let alone the ones you have nannied...your own?!?! Haha you will be the best ma ever and with the heart of your hubby they will for sure be loved for eternity. You are missed here friend!
