Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A year ago today

A year ago today, my best friend, sister-in-law and twin lost her husband when he died unexpectedly. I'll never forget the phone call I got from Jodi telling me that something had happened and that I needed to get over to Jen's house right away.

I'll never forget that first long night I stayed with Jen at their home so she wouldn't be alone.

I stayed that night in the guest room but had trouble falling asleep. I just couldn't seem to wrap my my mind around the fact that Dave was gone. I mean it was DAVE. He was larger than life. He made me laugh, he shared my love of sauces. He shared my love of all Boston sports. He was a dad to the most precious little boy you've ever met. He was a husband to my twin. How could he just be gone? I had just seen him yesterday at church. I remember talking to him in my car as we were both going home. He was going to come by and get my primary manual. And now.........he was just gone.

I remember at about 2:30ish I was laying there in the dark and for some reason their computer turned on to the screen saver. It was a recent picture of Dave that Ellen had taken the previous fall. I remember for one thing being freaked out. I hadn't moved the mouse to turn it on. But I also remember feeling a sense of comfort. It was almost as if Dave was there in that room saying it's okay. I'm still me. I still exist. You'll see me again.

I remember texting Jeff who seemed SO far away and asking him if he really believed we would see Dave again. If there was life after death. My sweet, strong, never wavering in his faith Jeff immediately sent me back a "yes I do." He also shared a scripture in Alma chapter 40 with me about eternal life that brought me such peace. I know I'll see Dave again. I know Jen and Adler will be reunited with him again. I know my Savior died for us to make Eternal families possible.

When I get sad thinking about the loss of my brother-in-law I think of my favorite memories of him. The summer he passed away I got to spend a lot of time with him and Jennifer because that is the summer I fell in love with Jeff and he spent 6 weeks staying with them while we dated/got engaged.. We went to dinner together a lot. We watched "The Office" almost every night, we had barbecues, we went camping, we went whale watching, we went to Nantucket.....We had so much fun. I'm so grateful for that summer. It will always be some of my most treasured memories.

The following are some of my favorite memories of Dave:
The first time I met him was at Chick-fil-A. Jen and I had spent the day in Maine with Ellen, and Jen called Dave to see if he wanted to meet us for dinner. I immediately thought he was cool because he was wearing a Red Sox hat. What sent my likeness for him to to the top was because he loves sauces as MUCH as I do. We spent a good 5 minutes talking about our favorite sauces.

A couple years ago I hosted a BYU/OU football watching party (A game which Jeff claims didn't take place). I had a bunch of friends come over and told them I would provide the food, they just needed to show up. But Dave being Dave(He was an Eagle Scout and always prepared...sometimes OVER prepared)brought 2 roma tomatoes and a bottle of peppercinis just in case we wanted to make salsa. That memory still makes me laugh today when I think about it.

I miss you Dave. And I know Jennifer and Adler miss you more than words can say. I'll do my best to take watch out for your precious family until you can be with them again.


  1. How have we lived a year without Dave? God be with all of us 'til we meet again.
